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Team RSM places 4th in the Team Round at the HMMT!

HMMT 2023 was another fantastic success for team RSM, and we're excited to share their performance with you.

Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament is one of the most prestigious high school math competitions in the world! Each tournament draws close to 1000 students from around the globe, including top scorers at national and international Olympiads.

With a score of 305, our RSM Team placed 4th out of 137 in the Team Round. They also secured 11th place in the Guts Round, and 11th place in the Sweepstakes Round. A big thank you to our coaches, teachers, and parents who contributed to team RSM's success. To our students, we truly appreciate your hard work and dedication! 

HMMT 2023 Team RSM

About our RSM Team

Excellent results! 

Congratulations to RSM Team A: 

- Luca Pieleanu, Rajarshi Mandal, Jefferson Ji, Kristiyan Kurtev, Arthur Liangchen Li, Andrew Kalashnikov.


Good results! Way to go!

Congratulations to RSM Team B: 

- Anand Swaroop, Anika Mital, Timur Kilybayev, Nathan Kessler, Alexander Amerhein, Fedor Myshkin.

Math Competition Preparation at RSM

Our Math Competition Preparation program is designed for students interested in advanced mathematical topics as well as participating in elite math competitions. Our selective and tiered competitions program prepares students for the full array of national and international math Olympiads. Visit our competitions section of the website and learn about our program.

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