logo.rsm.full-colorRussian School of Mathematics
logo.rsm.full-colorRussian School of Mathematics
RSM Online
Class Schedule & Tuition

Enroll Now for Online Math Classes!

Our award winning K-12 after-school math program has empowered students to achieve excellence in math for over twenty-five years.

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Online math classes are now enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year!

At RSM, your child will be challenged and motivated to learn advanced math concepts and critical thinking skills that will empower them for life.

Our unique approach consists of a continuous kindergarten to high-school curriculum, taught by expert teachers, in a classroom environment of peers who study together year after year. We take pride in ensuring each student learns in an online environment optimal for them while boosting their intelligence, confidence in math, and learning abilities.

RSM Online evaluation

Schedule a free 30-minute math evaluation

You can reserve your child’s spot by scheduling a free, virtual 30-minute math evaluation. This is the best way to learn more about our program and determine the most suitable level for your student.

Our principal will walk you through our curriculum, methodology, and answer any questions you may have.


Online Tuition

Submit this form and we'll email you a PDF of tuition costs by grade. Questions? Please contact our office directly and we'll be happy to assist you.

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What is RSM Online?

RSM is an award winning after-school math program. We guide our students to think about mathematics logically and conceptually, building deep connections between concepts, all in a classroom environment of their peers that keeps them consistently challenged.

Our unique online program mirrors that of our physical locations. Expert teachers conduct live and interactive classes of up to 12 students on our proprietary video-conferencing platform. RSM Online is open to students in grades 2-10. 

Check out the course descriptions and schedule below!

Peek into an RSM Online Classroom

elementary school

RSM Online Elementary

RSM Online's elementary school math classes are specially designed to pique young students’ interest in math, develop a strong foundation of logic and quantitative reasoning, hone students' analytical skills, and enhance their number sense by introducing them to abstract concepts.

online middle school

RSM Online Middle School

Our program delves deeply into Algebra I, II, and Geometry, ensuring our students have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to succeed. Special attention is given to developing fluency with word problems and modeling with equations.

online high school

RSM Online High School

Our students develop a mastery of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus AB/BC, and statistics. We also work to prepare them for the SAT, ACT, AP tests, and math competitions.

From beginner to competition, multiple levels in each grade enable us to place each child in an environment best suited to them.

I - Accelerated Level

Often the best fit for new students, this curriculum is designed to meet students where they are and bring them to the level of international standards.

II - Advanced Level

Most students continue to this level, where we offer a challenging mathematics curriculum that provides the deep understanding, reasoning skills, and confidence needed for success from elementary through honors high school and beyond.

III - Honors Level

This rigorous curriculum goes into great depth on the topics covered in the advanced level, and regularly employs competition-level problems that encourage students to push the boundaries of their abilities. Many students in Honors also choose to participate in math competitions.

Get Started Today
Schedule an Evaluation