Welcome to Camp RSM at Sunapee, NH!
Camp Sunapee is an overnight camp designed to nurture an excitement for learning, from mathematics to art to outdoor activities. Our concentration on academics, math, and critical thinking skills makes Camp Sunapee a fun alternative to summer school for high school and elementary students.
Kids can spend two or four weeks at Camp Sunapee, located in an enchantingly secluded cove on a spring-fed lake. Our camp is in the Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region of New Hampshire.
Our camp devotes more than 160 acres of pristine forest land, meadows, hills and hiking trails, tennis and basketball courts, waterfront and facilities to more than 25 structured programs.
160 acres of woods
Gorgeous areas for hiking and camping
A beautiful lake for swimming
Canoeing and boating
2 tennis courts
1 basketball court
Volleyball courts
Pottery and art studios
Private mirrored dance studio
2 theater stages for performances
At Camp Sunapee, kids participate in a rotating, balanced schedule that includes our distinguished program in mathematics, as well as drama, archery, arts and crafts, pottery, cycling, soccer, kayaking, rowing, swimming, wrestling, dance, photography, and overnight hiking.
We foster a unique camp environment of friendship, integrity, and emotional intelligence. Campers form strong friendships, often returning year after year and eventually becoming counselors in training (CITs) and counselors. We're an educational and fun option for students looking for a general summer camp or math camp.
Full tuition payments must be paid within 2 weeks after registration.
Please make checks payable to RSM Camp. Send payments to:
RSM Camp
200 Wells Ave.,
Newton MA 02459
Please contact us before February 15th if you need to arrange a payment plan.
Counselor Helpers will receive 50% off tuition.
CITs will receive $50 off one session tuition and $100 off the whole season tuition.
1. Consent Form. Print out and sign the form.
2. Health Form
The health form must include a record of immunizations
Print out the form, have it filled and signed by a physician
If your physician provides a different form, print out Camp Health Form, sign it and have it signed by the physician, then attach it to the physician provided Form.
3. Copy of Health Insurance Card (Make sure to copy both sides)
Please mail all forms to: RSM @ Camp Sunapee, 200 Wells Ave Newton, MA 02459 before May 10, 2025.
210 Deer Hill Rd,
Springfield, NH 03284;
PO BOX 177
Georges Mills, NH 03751
Email: camp@russianschool.com
Phone: (603) 763-4074 (For emergencies only, while the Camp is in session)
When packing your child for our camp please be reminded of the following:
This is an outdoor camp, and the weather is unpredictable. It could be hot, very hot, cold, very cold, and it could also be wet. Your child must be ready for any weather conditions.
Nighttime: Your child should be ready for both 49 F and 90 F nights. This means that they should have a sleeping bag that will keep them warm and a light blanket for warmer nights.
Sun: Please BUY your child a hat that they like and please LABEL it clearly. We play a lot of sports under the sun and they need to be protected.
Water Bottles: We do not allow our campers to bring pre-bottled water (i.e. Poland Springs, Dasani, etc.). They create an unnecessary expense for you and a lot of garbage at the campground. Please pack your child a reusable water bottle and LABEL it clearly. Our camp has excellent water that your child can use to fill their water bottle a couple of times per day.
Rain: An umbrella doesn't work in the camp environment. Please make sure your child has rubber boots (sneakers will be soaked in minutes) and a rain jacket (a few $1 ponchos will work as well).
Outdoor Trips: We will be taking many hikes and canoe trips. Every child should have a backpack to take with them on these trips. You do not have to buy a new one, their normal school backpacks work well.
Our campers tend to pack a lot. They do not need more than: 12 t-shirts, 5 shorts, 2 sweatshirts, 2 pairs of jeans and one pair of sweatpants. They will only need one formal dress and no make up, please. It's an outdoor camp, not a beauty contest. Even if we had one, it would be impossible to choose the winner. They are all truly beautiful kids without even trying.
One last word of experience. Please label EVERYTHING, even shoes. After camp, anything not labeled is donated. Usually, we have enough to pack a full truck.
Campers are NOT allowed to bring food or cell phones onto camp premises. We believe strongly in the rationale behind these rules and hope that a comprehensive explanation will help you understand why your cooperation in helping your children follow these rules is so important.
Camp Policy on Food:
Our camp is largely an outdoor camp, this means it is only slightly removed from the animals that live around it. The reality of this situation is that any food in the cabins has and will continue to attract pests into the cabins and the surrounding areas. These pests can include anything from mice, which carry diseases, to bears, which pose an obvious threat.
Another common problem associated with food is litter. As a community, we all value the beauty of the camp and the opportunity it gives us to escape into an absolutely serene and pure environment. Due to the loads of food campers bring in with them either at the beginning of the session, or during parent visiting days, we spend the majority of camp cleanup picking up trash all around the camp.
While you may worry for your child’s diet at camp, we assure you that every child is fed as much as they need at each meal every day. Furthermore, we supply a light afternoon and evening snack. We fully believe that it is possible and reasonable for every camper to subsist solely off of the food offered in the cafeteria. As a result, we ask that you, as parents, assist us by ensuring that your children do not bring any snacks, candy, or gum with them into the camp.
Camp Policy on Cell Phones:
At camp, we believe that we create a sort of utopia: an environment where children are able to escape from the pressures of their every day life. “Cool” is redefined, life is simplified, and children are able to relax and be themselves.
Cell phones ruin that utopia. When children have an outlet to the outside world, we find it nearly impossible to maintain the isolation which makes the environment of camp a possibility. It’s that environment which your family is drawn to year after year, and it is that environment that we are steadfast on preserving. Please be aware that if your child has an iPhone, it will be treated like a cell phone, not an Mp3 player.
We have had a no cell phone policy for many years now, and it has been continuously disregarded. As such, we have decided to slightly modify this rule:
1. All cell phones found in the possession of campers (including CITs and CHs) will not be returned to their owners this year.
2. All phones found will be sold on eBay with proceeds donated to an Israeli charity in the owner’s family name.
3. The only exception to this policy is for children who are traveling by plane. These phones will be taken upon arrival to camp and returned at the end of camp.
4. If you are unable to visit your child on visiting day, they will be allowed to call home.
Your and your child’s compliance to these policies will help to improve and preserve the environment we look forward to each year.